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Our Unique Serving Proposition (USP) - Partner with Us:
We Partner with Shapers. Shapers are individuals that play a pivotal role in positively shaping the future of young Black people. Shapers possess knowledge, experience, and expertise that is the key to reaching and impacting the choices Black youth make. A Shapers is a Black parent, aunt, uncle, barber, and stylist educator, coach, influencer, celebrity, or entrepreneur. BPF is the conduit that connects our partners with Black GenZs and Millennials around the world. Join Black People Forward and become a part of our mission to shape the future of young Black individuals. As a Shaper, you have the power to inspire, foster resilience, and promote personal growth. Whether you're a corporation, celebrity, or a Shaper we need your collaboration. Partner with us to provide the building blocks to rebuild identity, emotional wellness and the accumulation of wealth.

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